Saturday, October 27, 2018

93 Ford Festiva

Just thinking about that damn car reminded me I needed to let my buddy know it was available for him to use.  Yeah he loves to drive that car.  So do I.  I don't know if you've ever tried to parallel park a small car without power steering.  I was trying just that this morning and busted by front teeth on the halfway open window trying to navigate.  It's tough to get the window all the way down and you just give up after a while.  I thought the window was down which is otherwise my style.  My teeth are fine thank you.  The last time I busted my teeth it wasn't all that good.  A chip from my front tooth crumbled into my mouth as I tried to do something funny with a beer bottle.  We were at one of the those throwback roadhouses conveniently just a mile from where we were living so we could afford to ruthlessly assault our bodies.  I couldn't tell ya what I was trying to accomplish with that little stunt but I do know that I had a captive audience and they turned their attention away at that pivotal moment.  I think I would remember the high fives after I gleefully bore witness the affliction in the palm of my hand.  Seated at the bar at that very bar maybe months later in the daylight hours this feller and I were trading stories over Budweisers maybe waiting on friends maybe not, I told this man that story and he laughed.  My mouth is my moneymaker I said.  He quit laughing and we stopped talking.  I understood why 

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